Though alone but I was having my mp3 with me.
It was playing 'Casablanca', an old piece of song that I missed out long time ago.
A Malay girl was asking me direction. I answered and we both ended up with a smile.
Is she still considered stranger? Someone who talked and smiled at me. Could not differentiate. But now I noticed, they have a name called 'Acquaintance'. Wonder if I have it spelled right, anyway, trying to be lame as usual.
[You looked really pale.]
Really? I did not notice. But I have been really tiring nowadays. Easily exhausted. Headache as well. Maybe I was staying up too late. I was weak in health.
I am just like others. Fragile inside. Friend told me that I look indifferent everytime I remain silence and corner myself in thinkings. But this is just the other side of me. Eversince I stepped into the school, I have no time to tidy up my feelings. I could only manage to leave the mess and simply throw every bits inside my heart and lock it up. Day by day, the increment of unsolved feelings conquered me and I knew ,when it reached the peak, I will just going to fall and collapse.
Somehow, I missed having someone at my side, guiding me and companying me. High expectation often disappointed me in return. That is why I could not find someone suitable to stay with me when I really need someone.
But it was okay. I will handle it my own. I will try, atleast.
No worries okay, I am just grumbling.
That's all.
Be tough.