2008年7月27日 星期日


Lazy to blog. Let the photos do the talking. Shall we?

Fun o'k again?!

Mummy, sister and uncle

My favourite!

forgot what this dish called

See! Mummy looked so cute. Lol.

Started off...


Come on, make it higher..

Aargh! Failed.


They have the recycled items to be their furniture.
It's a washing machine. Kwel!

Pretty mum.

The day with family was always so great.
We shared our thoughts and lives.
Mummy loves to talk.
So usually, we just have to listen.
The laughters are what I heart for.
I heart my family.
*Love is in the air*
We are going to sing k next week. Woo hoo~
Ha, waiting for it.

Gosh!It's already 5.22a.m. Gotta get into my dreams now.
Good night papa.
Good night mama.
Good night you, you and you.
